Duties and
Integrative yoga therapy is a style of yoga that synthesizes
the ideas and practices of all other school of yoga. Integrative yoga therapy
must complete a 200-hour certification process that enables them to be hired by
a yoga studio, gym, school, hospital, large company or even jails or
rehabilitation clinics. Integrative yoga therapy plan workout regiment, teach
concisely and keep their clients comfortable and healthy.
Salary: $36,000-$66,530
Education: Over 3000
of our graduates around the world have developed a variety of Yoga, wellness
and stress management programs to meet the needs of people in hospitals, mental
health setting, corporations, wellness centers, education, seniors care,
community centers. Many Yoga practitioners choose our approach because it gives
them the flexibility to teach in a wide variety of settings including the Yoga
classroom as well as going beyond it into the community. Body workers, educators,
nurses, physical therapists, pyschotherapists, physicians and other
professionals with a mind-body focus have chosen our programs in order to
incorporate Yoga based wellness into their professions.